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Statnett examines options for future offshore grid

Statnett is stepping up its collaboration with five Transmission System Operators (TSO´s) surrounding the North Sea, to investigate potential grid solutions of hybrid connections for offshore wind.

«By doing this, we will be developing a portfolio of possible options for future policy decisions»,

said Håkon Borgen, Executive Vice-President of Statnett.

Earlier this year, Statnett was commissioned by The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy to investigate potential hybrid grid solutions for offshore wind production in the Sørvest F area in the North Sea.

Evaluation of technical, economic, market and regulatory aspects of such grid solution alternatives require collaboration with other North Sea TSO’s. To facilitate such cooperation, Statnett intends to enter into MoU-agreements with our European sister companies Elia (Belgium), TenneT (Germany), Amprion (Germany), Energinet (Denmark) and National Grid Venture (UK) within the 4th quarter 2023.

«Exploring a broad portfolio of possible grid concepts with partner TSO’s will ensure that Statnett is better prepared for its offshore roles, but also provide a better basis for Norwegian authorities to identify the most favorable solutions when offshore grid decisions are made at a later stage. The development of such a portfolio of options is a necessary step in order to be able to realize the political goals set for future energy development offshore»,

said Borgen.

Pending the Government's decision on production capacity and grid solution for the Sørvest F 2025-tender and future tenders, one or more hybrid connections may be considered for realisation.

If such solutions are chosen and approved by the Government, it is expected that Statnett will build and own hybrid interconnectors for offshore windpower. The Government has previously given Statnett system operator and planning authority for the offshore grid.


Source: Statnett

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